Many sites can modify the and use
the standard resin.xml for configuration of their
servers, JVMs, clusters, and applications.
More complicated sites can modify the resin.xml
itself. The xml configuration file
resin.xml supports CDI custom services, EL expressions
and variables variables, imports and control structures.
Overview of the Resin configuration:
for most common properties and resin.xml for full customization.
Most common Resin properties are configured by
The variables are used by the main resin.xml
configuration file.
Full Resin customization is configured by the resin.xml.
The resin.xml overview describes resources,
clustering, HTTP hosts and URL dispatching, and custom CanDI
Resin's configuration uses a powerful, general dependency
injection system (CanDI) to configure servlets, Resin resources, databases,
application components, third-party libraries and drivers. By understanding
a few rules matching the XML to the configured resources, an administrator
can have full control over the application server behavior.
Because of the importance of verifying and debugging configuration,
Resin's configuration is stateless, meaning that the XML files fully
describe the configuration of the system. Resin avoids hidden state
by avoiding deployment tools and internal, hidden database configuration.
Resin configuration can directly access Resin-IoC/WebBeans-configured
beans and variables using EL expressions in the configuration files.
Predefined variables include webApp, host, and resin variables.
Resin will keep its operational data in a directory named
By default directory
is located under Resin Root.
All data in resin-data directory is managed internally by Resin.
For each server in cluster Resin creates a dedicated directory where
operational data for that server is stored:
Operational data for an individual server include two important
A directory for deployed applications named
.git A directory for sessions and distributed cache named
Deleting .git directory will result in all deployed applications be
deleted from the server.
Deleting directory
will result in session data being
.git | Contains deployed applications | distcache | Session store and distributed cache data store | log | Resin log message database for reporting recent messages to pdf
report and Resin-Admin
| stat_data.db, stat_name.db | Resin runtime statistics database. Used for reporting in pdf
report and Resin-Admin
| tmp | temporary directory for large file operations | xa.log* | Distributed transactions log |
Copyright © 1998-2015 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Resin ® is a registered trademark. Quercustm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.
Cloud-optimized Resin Server is a Java EE certified Java Application Server, and Web Server, and Distributed Cache Server (Memcached). Leading companies worldwide with demand for reliability and high performance web applications including, CNET, DZone and many more are powered by Resin.
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