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 Resin Server | Application Server (Java EE Certified) and Web Server

resin 4.0.2 release notes

  • CanDI updates to match changes to the JSR-299 and JSR-330 specifications.
  • Servlet 3.0 early access updates
  • Continued EJB Lite development
  • Clustered/Cloud .war deployment enhancements, including staging, versioning, and ant/maven tasks.
  • Regression (QA) cleanup and stress test work to bring Resin 4.0.2 up to a production level.
  • WebSocket, HMTP and JMTP support.
  • JMS clustered singleton queue and clustered topics
  • /resin-admin support for REST-based management tools such as nagios.
  • Enhanced /resin-admin monitoring to better illustrate the server status.
  • HTTP Proxy and FastCGI load balancing with failover.
  • Eclipse plugin enhancements.

Resin 4.0.2 Overview

The focus of Resin 4.0.2 development was the following:

  • CanDI updates to match changes to the JSR-299 and JSR-330 specifications.
  • Servlet 3.0 early access updates
  • Continued EJB Lite development
  • Clustered/Cloud .war deployment enhancements, including staging, versioning, and ant/maven tasks.
  • Regression (QA) cleanup and stress test work to bring Resin 4.0.2 up to a production level.
  • WebSocket, HMTP and JMTP support.
  • JMS clustered singleton queue and clustered topics
  • /resin-admin support for REST-based management tools such as nagios.
  • Enhanced /resin-admin monitoring to better illustrate the server status.
  • HTTP Proxy and FastCGI load balancing with failover.
  • Eclipse plugin enhancements.

Resin 4.0.x is the active development branch.

Servlet 3.0 Early Access

Resin 4.0.2 continues work on the Servlet 3.0 draft specification as an early access release.

Java Injection (JSR-299, JSR-330, CanDI)

The Java Injection specification has changed significantly between 4.0.1 and 4.0.2. Resin now supports the JSR-330 annotations for Java Injection.

The main changes are repackaging and renaming of the key injection annotations to match JSR-299. The Java Injection Tutorial has been updated for the new injections.

Clustered JMS Queues and Topics

Resin's clustering now includes support for clustered queues and topics. The primary clustered queue is a singleton queue with failover. The clustered topics notify all servers in a cluster pod.


We've added /resin-admin features to improve visibility to the server, development and debugging, and adminstration.

The "summary" tab now includes statistical gathered as the server is running including request counts, request times, CPU time, netstat reports, and database activity.

A "postmortem" tab helps debugging of a server crash by displaying the server state at the time just before a restart.

Customized statistics gathering based on JMX is now available through the <jmx> and <jmx-delta> tags of the <resin:StatManager> service.

Customizable REST pages are now available through /resin-admin using PHP to script the gathered data. The REST capability is intended for integration with administration tools like Nagios.

Distributed Deployment

Distributed deployment has been enhanced with staging and versioning capabilities, and integrated with the development flow with ant and maven tasks.

A new application version can be deployed with the following process:

  1. Upload the .war contents transactionally to the server (but not activated yet)
  2. Deploy and test a "staging" version on a single machine.
  3. Activate the .war for the production servers.

Quercus: Availability on other Application Servers

Quercus development in 4.0.2 has focused on bugs fixes and QA regression cleanup.

WebSocket, HMTP, and JMTP support

Resin 4.0.2 now includes support for the HTML 5 WebSocket protocol, which is a fully-bidirectional TCP connection established using HTTP handshaking, allowing for true interactive applications with HTML 5 browsers.

On top of WebSockets, we've created JMTP and HMTP as a programmable messaging layer. JMTP (JSON Message Transport Prototocol) and HMTP (Hessian Message Transport Protocol) provide general messaging, RPC, and publish/subscribe capabilities in a clean, simple interface.

Copyright © 1998-2015 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Resin ® is a registered trademark. Quercustm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.

Cloud-optimized Resin Server is a Java EE certified Java Application Server, and Web Server, and Distributed Cache Server (Memcached).
Leading companies worldwide with demand for reliability and high performance web applications including, CNET, DZone and many more are powered by Resin.

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